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Systems Thinking in Project Management Training

Expand what you see and upgrade what you do. 

In this course you learn how to select, design and manage step-ahead projects through systems thinking, a principle of project management (PMBOK Guide, 7th Edition).  The Project Management Institute defines projects as "temporary efforts to create value through unique products, services, and processes."  The majority of work performed outside of processes and order fulfilment is a project!


We teach a holistic view and pluralistic execution of systems thinking methodology and mapping joined with traditional frameworks to reveal embedded or missing distinctions, relationships and perspectives that cause systems to go awry.  A vivid view of the current and desired situations fosters improved stakeholder, requirement, benefit, change and risk management.

PLS Systems Thinking in Project Management - Script Spotlight

The PLS Systems Thinking in Project Management Training was designed to extend and elevate outcomes throughout the project.

We examined the system of project management with systems thinking methodology. We viewed the complexity of project management in the context of its purpose to generate value for stakeholders. By highlighting relationships of the environment and the project management system, we developed insights to boost project manager understanding, vision, and strategy. This results in a better view of the potential of project management and how to increase engagement and collaboration, and stretch organizational resources to meet that potential.


What are the benefits of PLS project management training when compared to other project training on the market?

Most project management training is geared toward fundamentals and accredited hours for certification, or focused on preparation for the PMP exam.

Most project management training content is instructional and conceptual knowledge with simple tools and templates to help with implementation. This approach has little impact on capability, character, and caring. Research indicates these three factors create trust, which is an essential factor of leadership necessary in project management.

Other project management training on the market focuses on elements of project management, with team management and communication considerations as secondary.

Upon completion of the course with most leadership training, there is no avenue for assistance in unique contexts, or ability for the manager to follow-up for clarification on content.

PLS training focus is on eliminating cognitive bias in project management. Bias conceals options and prevents project managers from seeing opportunities that bring dramatically improved results.

Our training includes application of practical, cutting-edge methodologies using the latest worker and management psychology and systems thinking. This science yields significantly expanded management capability and functional empathy that will increase project management effectiveness.

With PLS Management Consulting, we give you universal frameworks and modular thought constructs that can be applied to any situation. This accelerates information sharing and feedback that fosters agility and resiliency.

Each training course administered by PLS Management Consulting, includes expert assistance during the course. Upon completion of the training, four weeks of on-demand assistance is included!

Engaged Employees are Happy Employees

You and your customers will be happy too! Companies that have high levels of engagement outperform their counterparts in every aspect.

Course Materials

Systems Thinking in Project Management Course Book, tailored InfoSheets, Plectica maps, four weeks post on-demand consultation

PLS Management Consulting is a Strategic Partner of Cabrera Lab!



For over 30 years, Cabrera Lab has led the science of systems thinking. With support from the National Science Foundation, we are now democratizing WHOLE HUM∆N CH∆NGE, making it accessible to empower individuals and organizations everywhere.


What is WHOLE HUM∆N CH∆NGE? It is the ability to AD∆PT across the spectrum of human potential. Scientific evidence shows that mental fitness enhances higher-order thinking, improves social-emotional intelligence, and strengthens grit. All of these are foundations for success in every domain of life. This is why we boldly declare: THINGS CH∆NGE WHEN THINKING CH∆NGES.


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